
YUM Client Configuration

Yum client configuration is a must work to do after an installation. At the same time configuring yum server is equally necessary for us. But first let’s configure yum client. The file needs to be saved with the extension of .repo. let’s

Configure Apache with SSL

On this article we will discuss how we can put ssl security on our web server or on our domain names on a web server. To do so, we need to generate ssl certificate and a ssl key and put those into our virtual hosts. In our previous post…


Introduction to VLAN

Virtual local area network (VLAN) is a logical fragmentation of a big network for several reasons. On this article we will discuss about VLAN. Few reasons and uses will be brought up regarding this issue. VLAN is a commonly used technique…

Introduction to routing

Routing is one of the most important matters in computer networking. Usually in case of switching and routing both cases we need to apply the routing rules and protocols. But usually routing is handled by routers. Now a day layer 3 switches…

Introduction to switching

Switching is a common issue in computer networking. If we try to define this than we can simply say that based on some criteria if we change the route of the data then we can call it switching. This is one of the very basic things in…

Introduction to Subnetting

subnetting is the process to take some bits from the host part and add them to the network part to create or define a sub network within a network. For example, we can take some bits to the next octet to make the address which is…


java programming tutorial part 1

Java is widely used language by professionals among other languages. There are so many issues we can see regarding the java language at the same time java has some major beneficial features. In this article, my effort will be given

How to use foreach in PHP

Foreach is one of the very commonly used codes in PHP.  In web development we usually work on database a lot and we need to create array a lot on online processing. So it is quite normal that a lot of array will generate in this process and…

Array formation in PHP

We have talked about array in one of our previous articles. But we gave very little information about array in this programming language. In this article we will discuss the array in detail. Array is one of the most important kinds of…

Simple Hello world program using PHP

As we all know this programming language is almost similar to C and C++. The only difference is C and C++ works on any platform and PHP is a server side scripting and works on only servers that can compile PHP on both windows and Linux base…

Web Design

Develop a basic structure of a webpage

Until now we have learn about the basic tags of a webpage. Now let’s start with a basic structure of a webpage. We will first learn which we are considering as a basic structure here. The below image we are considering as a basic structure.…

Basic tags used in head tag

In a html page we all know there is basic tag we need to use which is “Head”. We also call it the header of the webpage, because this tag holds all kind of summary of the webpage. Usually any search engine takes the simple record of a…

Most commonly used tags in body

a html page is consists of so many different elements, we are going to mention few most commonly used elements in here.  Let’s begin. Div tag Div is used to use for making divisions within the html pages. We can put different class or id…


how to make windows faster part 2

On this part we will know few more options about how we can make our windows faster. On our previous part we learn about four options. Those were some regular stuff a windows user needs to know. But on this part we will learn about few tips…

how to make windows faster part 1

Thousands of people are using windows, everyone have a common complain and that is a windows operating system is slow after few days of use. Windows is a very complicated operating system with a lot of facilities. We need to know how we can…

Digital Marketing

SEO Basic Steps for Beginner

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an old and one of the most important topic when we are talking about anything about online related business. A lot of rumors we can listen from the market that SEO is kind of a at its dead end, the google…

Online Entrepreneurship